Source code for atml.measure

The :mod:'atml.measure' module contains a set of common evaluation measures for predictive machine learning tasks.
# Author: Hao Song (
# License: BSD-3

import numpy
import scipy.integrate

tiny = numpy.finfo('float64').tiny

[docs]class Measure: """ The base measure class, and specifies the corresponding task type for the measure. (e.g. classification) """ def __init__(self, task): """ Parameters ---------- task: string """ self.task = task
[docs]class AUC(Measure): """ Area under the ROC curve """ def __init__(self, target_positive=0): """ Parameters ---------- target_positive: int """ super().__init__(task='classification') self.target_positive = target_positive = 'area under the curve (class ' + str(self.target_positive+1) + 'vs rest)'
[docs] def get_measure(self, s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- auc: float """ bin_edges = numpy.unique(1-s[:, self.target_positive]) count_pos = numpy.histogram(1-s[y[:, self.target_positive] == 1, self.target_positive], bins=bin_edges, range=(0.0, 1.0))[0] count_neg = numpy.histogram(1-s[y[:, self.target_positive] != 1, self.target_positive], bins=bin_edges, range=(0.0, 1.0))[0] if numpy.sum(count_pos) == 0: count_pos[:] = 1.0 if numpy.sum(count_neg) == 0: count_neg[:] = 1.0 cdf_pos = numpy.hstack([0.0, numpy.cumsum(count_pos) / numpy.sum(count_pos), 1.0]) cdf_neg = numpy.hstack([0.0, numpy.cumsum(count_neg) / numpy.sum(count_neg), 1.0]) auc = scipy.integrate.trapz(cdf_pos, cdf_neg) return auc
[docs] @staticmethod def transform(m): """ Parameters ---------- m: float Returns ---------- m_hat: float """ m_hat = m return m_hat
[docs]class BAcc(Measure): """ Binary accuracy """ def __init__(self, target_positive=0): """ Parameters ---------- target_positive: int """ super().__init__(task='classification', target_positive=target_positive) = 'accuracy (class ' + str(self.target_positive+1) + 'vs rest)'
[docs] def get_measure(self, s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- bacc: float """ n = numpy.shape(s)[0] s_bin = numpy.zeros((n, 2)) y_bin = numpy.zeros((n, 2)) s_bin[:, 0] = s[:, self.target_positive] s_bin[:, 1] = 1.0 - s_bin[:, 0] y_bin[:, 0] = y[:, self.target_positive] y_bin[:, 1] = 1.0 - y_bin[:, 0] bacc = numpy.mean(numpy.argmax(s_bin, axis=1) == numpy.argmax(y_bin, axis=1)) return bacc
[docs]class F1(Measure): """ F1 score """ def __init__(self, target_positive=0): """ Parameters ---------- target_positive: int """ super().__init__(task='classification', target_positive=target_positive) = 'F1 score (class ' + str(self.target_positive+1) + 'vs rest)'
[docs] def get_measure(self, s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- f1: float """ y_hat = numpy.argmax(s, axis=1) y_label = numpy.argmax(y, axis=1) TP = numpy.sum((y_hat == self.target_positive) * (y_label == self.target_positive)) FP = numpy.sum((y_hat == self.target_positive) * (y_label != self.target_positive)) FN = numpy.sum((y_hat != self.target_positive) * (y_label == self.target_positive)) if (TP + FP + FN) == 0: TP = 1 FP = 1 FN = 1 f1 = 2 * TP / (2 * TP + FP + FN) return f1
[docs]class Acc(Measure): """ multi-class accuracy """ def __init__(self): """ """ super().__init__(task='classification') = 'accuracy'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_measure(s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- acc: float """ acc = numpy.mean(numpy.argmax(s, axis=1) == numpy.argmax(y, axis=1)) return acc
[docs]class BS(Measure): """ Brier score """ def __init__(self): """ """ super().__init__(task='classification') = 'Brier score'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_measure(s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- bs: float """ bs = numpy.mean(numpy.sum((s - y) ** 2, axis=1)) return bs
[docs] @staticmethod def transform(m): """ Parameters ---------- m: float Returns ---------- m_hat: float """ m_hat = 1 - (m/2) return m_hat
[docs]class LL(Measure): """ Logarithm loss (cross entropy) """ def __init__(self): """ """ super().__init__(task='classification') = 'Log loss (cross entropy)'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_measure(s, y): """ Parameters ---------- s: numpy.ndarray y: numpy.ndarray Returns ---------- ll: float """ s[s <= tiny] = tiny ll = numpy.mean(numpy.sum(-numpy.log(s) * y, axis=1)) return ll