The :mod:'atml.cat' module contains a set of functions to perform adaptive testing on predictive ML models.
# Author: Hao Song (nuacesh@gmail.com)
# License: BSD-3
import numpy
import scipy.stats
import tensorflow as tf
from exp import get_single_testing
from adhoc_opt.optimiser import parameter_update
import copy
pi = tf.constant(numpy.pi, dtype='float32')
eps = 1e-6
[docs]class Standard_CAT:
The class for a standard adaptive testing on ML models
def __init__(self, irt_mdl):
irt_mdl: atml.irt
A trained IRT model as defined by atml.irt.
self.N_model = irt_mdl.N_model
self.N_dataset = irt_mdl.N_dataset
self.irt_type = irt_mdl.irt_type
self.N_test = None
self.logit_theta = tf.zeros(self.N_model, 'float32')
self.logit_delta = tf.zeros(self.N_dataset, 'float32')
self.log_a = tf.zeros(self.N_dataset, 'float32')
self.theta = tf.zeros(self.N_model, 'float32')
self.delta = tf.zeros(self.N_dataset, 'float32')
self.log_s2 = tf.zeros(self.N_dataset, 'float32')
if self.irt_type == 'beta3':
self.logit_theta = tf.cast(irt_mdl.logit_theta, 'float32')
self.logit_delta = tf.cast(irt_mdl.logit_delta, 'float32')
self.log_a = tf.cast(irt_mdl.log_a, 'float32')
elif self.irt_type == 'logistic':
self.theta = tf.cast(irt_mdl.theta, 'float32')
self.delta = tf.cast(irt_mdl.delta, 'float32')
self.log_a = tf.cast(irt_mdl.log_a, 'float32')
self.log_s2 = tf.cast(irt_mdl.log_s2, 'float32')
[docs] def testing(self, mdl, measure,
data_dict, get_data,
N_test=None, remove_tested=True,
sparse=False, cap_size=10000, tes_size=0.5):
Perform the adaptive testing and record the testing sequence.
mdl: sklearn.predictor
An instance of the sklearn predictor.
The model should have a fit(x, y) method for training and predict_proba(x) for testing.
measure: atml.Measure
A evaluation measure selected from the atml.measure module.
data_dict: dict
A dictionary that defines the index and the reference name of all the datasets.
Example: data_dict = {0: 'iris', 1: 'digits', 2: 'wine'}
get_data: Callable
A function that takes the dataset index and returns the features (x), and target (y) for the specified
item_info: string
The selected item information criterion. Options: (1) 'fisher', (2) 'kl', (3) 'random'.
'fisher': the Fisher item information.
'kl': the Kullback-Leibler item information.
'random': random Gaussian item information.
ability_0: float
Initial value for the ability parameter.
N_test: int
Number of tests to be performed.
remove_tested: boolean
Whether to remove tested dataset and no longer test with the same dataset.
sparse: boolean
To indicate whether to only use a subset of the dataset to perform the experiments.
cap_size: int
In the case sparse=True, cap_size specifies the maximum size of the dataset to run the experiments.
tes_size: float
The proportion of the dataset that is used as the testing set (validation set).
selected_dataset_index: numpy.ndarray
The index sequence of selected datasets during the adaptive testing.
selected_dataset: list
The reference name sequence of selected dataset during the adaptive testing.
measurement: numpy.ndarray
The performance measurements of selected datasets during the adaptive testing.
ability_seq: numpy.ndarray
The estimated ability through the adaptive testing sequence.
if N_test is None:
self.N_test = self.N_dataset
self.N_test = N_test
if ability_0 is None:
if self.irt_type == 'beta3':
ability = tf.cast(numpy.median(self.logit_theta), 'float32')
elif self.irt_type == 'logistic':
ability = tf.cast(numpy.median(self.theta), 'float32')
ability = tf.cast(ability_0, 'float32')
selected_dataset = []
selected_dataset_index = numpy.zeros(self.N_test)
measurements = numpy.zeros(self.N_test)
ability_seq = numpy.zeros(self.N_test + 1)
if self.irt_type == 'beta3':
ability_seq[0] = 1 / (1 + numpy.exp(ability.numpy()))
ability_seq[0] = ability.numpy().copy()
for i in range(1, self.N_test+1):
print('Test No.' + str(i) + ', mdl: ' + str(mdl) + ', measure: ' + str(measure) + ', info: ' + item_info +
', irt: ' + self.irt_type)
if item_info == 'fisher':
v = get_fisher_item_information(ability=ability, logit_delta=self.logit_delta, delta=self.delta,
log_a=self.log_a, log_s2=self.log_s2, irt_type=self.irt_type)
elif item_info == 'kl':
v = get_kl_item_information(ability=ability, logit_delta=self.logit_delta, delta=self.delta,
log_a=self.log_a, log_s2=self.log_s2, irt_type=self.irt_type)
elif item_info == 'random':
v = numpy.random.randn(self.N_dataset)
print('Max Info:' + str(numpy.max(v)))
print('Min Info:' + str(numpy.min(v)))
if remove_tested:
v[selected_dataset_index[:i].astype('int')] = - numpy.inf
max_idx = numpy.argmax(v)
selected_dataset_index[i-1] = max_idx
tmp_mdl = copy.deepcopy(mdl)
tmp_measure = get_single_testing(max_idx, tmp_mdl, data_dict, get_data, measure,
sparse, cap_size, tes_size)
tmp_measure = measure.transform(tmp_measure)
if tmp_measure >= (1 - eps):
tmp_measure = 1 - eps
if tmp_measure <= eps:
tmp_measure = eps
measurements[i-1] = tmp_measure
print('selected dataset: ' + data_dict[max_idx])
print('test result is: ' + str(tmp_measure))
ability = tf.reshape(tf.cast(ability, 'float32'), [-1, 1])
data = numpy.hstack([numpy.array(selected_dataset_index[:i]).reshape(-1, 1),
numpy.array(measurements[:i]).reshape(-1, 1)])
extra_args = (self.irt_type, self.logit_delta, self.delta, self.log_a, self.log_s2)
ability = parameter_update(theta_0=tf.Variable(ability), data=data, extra_args=extra_args,
obj=get_obj, obj_g=get_obj_g,
batch_size=1, val_size=len(selected_dataset), factr=1e-16,
plot_loss=False, print_info=False,
plot_final_loss=False, print_iteration=False).numpy()
if self.irt_type == 'beta3':
ability_seq[i] = 1 / (1 + numpy.exp(ability))
ability_seq[i] = ability.copy()
print('current estimated ability is:' + str(ability_seq[i]))
return selected_dataset_index, selected_dataset, measurements, ability_seq
[docs]def m_beta_3_irt(logit_theta, logit_delta, log_a):
Predict the expected response for a set of IRT parameters
logit_theta: numpy.ndarray
The logit_theta parameter of the Beta-3 IRT model.
logit_delta: numpy.ndarray
The logit_delta parameter of the Beta-3 IRT model.
log_a: numpy.ndarray
The log_a parameter of the Beta-3 IRT model.
E: numpy.ndarray
The expected performance measurement.
a = tf.math.exp(log_a)
theta = tf.clip_by_value(1 / (1 + tf.math.exp(logit_theta)),
tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32'),
tf.constant(1-1e-6, dtype='float32'))
delta = tf.clip_by_value(1 / (1 + tf.math.exp(logit_delta)),
tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32'),
tf.constant(1-1e-6, dtype='float32'))
alpha = tf.math.pow(theta / delta, a) + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')
beta = tf.math.pow((1 - theta) / (1 - delta), a) + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')
E = alpha / (alpha + beta)
return E
[docs]def m_logistic_irt(theta, delta, log_a, log_s2):
Predict the expected response for a set of IRT parameters
theta: numpy.ndarray
The theta parameter of the Logistic IRT model.
delta: numpy.ndarray
The delta parameter of the Logistic IRT model.
log_a: numpy.ndarray
The log_a parameter of the Logistic IRT model.
log_s2: numpy.ndarray
The log_s2 parameter of the Logistic IRT model.
E: numpy.ndarray
The expected performance measurement.
a = numpy.exp(log_a)
s2 = numpy.exp(log_s2) + 1e-6
s = numpy.sqrt(s2)
mu = - a * (theta - delta)
samples = scipy.stats.norm.rvs(loc=mu, scale=s, size=[65536, len(log_a)])
E = numpy.mean(1 / (1 + numpy.exp(samples)), axis=0)
return E
[docs]def ml_logistic_obj(theta, delta, log_a, log_s2, measure, tested_list, using_samples=False):
The log-likelihood objective function of the Logistic IRT model
theta: tensorflow.Variable
The current ability parameter of the IRT model.
delta: tf.Tensor
The current delta parameter of the IRT model.
log_a: tf.Tensor
The current log_a parameter of the IRT model.
log_s2: tf.Tensor
The current log_s2 parameter of the IRT model.
measure: tf.Tensor
The performance measurements for the selected datasets.
tested_list: tf.Tensor
The index of each selected dataset.
using_samples: boolean
Whether to return the sample-wise negative log-likelihood.
nll: tf.Tensor
The negative log-likelihood of the IRT model.
delta = tf.gather(delta, tested_list, axis=0)
a = tf.math.exp(tf.gather(log_a, tested_list, axis=0))
log_s2 = tf.gather(log_s2, tested_list, axis=0)
s2 = tf.math.exp(log_s2) + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')
measure = tf.reshape(measure, [-1])
logit_measure = tf.math.log((1 - measure) / measure)
mu = - a * (theta - delta)
diff = logit_measure - mu
exp = tf.math.exp(- 0.5 * tf.math.square(diff) / s2)
sample_lik = 1 / (tf.math.sqrt(2 * pi * s2)) * exp * (1 / (measure * (1 - measure)))
loglik = tf.negative(tf.math.log(sample_lik + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')))
# loglik = 0.5 * tf.math.log(1 / (2 * pi)) + 0.5 * tf.math.log(1 / s2) \
# - 0.5 * tf.math.square(logit_measure - mu) / s2 \
# + tf.math.log(1 / (measure * (1 - measure)))
if using_samples:
nll = loglik
nll = tf.reduce_mean(loglik)
return nll
[docs]def ml_beta_3_obj(logit_theta, logit_delta, log_a, measure, tested_list, using_samples=False):
The log-likelihood objective function of the Logistic IRT model
logit_theta: tensorflow.Variable
The current ability parameter of the IRT model.
logit_delta: tf.Tensor
The current logit_delta parameter of the IRT model.
log_a: tf.Tensor
The current log_a parameter of the IRT model.
measure: tf.Tensor
The performance measurements for the selected datasets.
tested_list: tf.Tensor
The index of each selected dataset.
using_samples: boolean
Whether to return the sample-wise negative log-likelihood.
nll: tf.Tensor
The negative log-likelihood of the IRT model.
logit_delta = tf.gather(logit_delta, tested_list, axis=0)
measure = tf.reshape(measure, [-1])
theta = tf.clip_by_value(1 / (1 + tf.math.exp(logit_theta)), tf.constant(1e-16, dtype='float32'),
tf.constant(1-1e-16, dtype='float32'))
delta = tf.clip_by_value(1 / (1 + tf.math.exp(logit_delta)), tf.constant(1e-16, dtype='float32'),
tf.constant(1-1e-16, dtype='float32'))
a = tf.math.exp(tf.gather(log_a, tested_list, axis=0))
alpha = tf.math.pow(theta / delta, a) + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')
beta = tf.math.pow((1 - theta) / (1 - delta), a) + tf.constant(1e-6, dtype='float32')
loglik = (alpha - 1) * tf.math.log(measure) + (beta - 1) * tf.math.log(1 - measure) - \
(tf.math.lgamma(alpha) + tf.math.lgamma(beta) - tf.math.lgamma(alpha + beta))
if using_samples:
nll = - loglik
nll = - tf.reduce_mean(loglik)
return nll
[docs]def get_obj(parameter, data, extra_args):
Wrapper function to get the value of the objective function.
parameter: tensorflow.Variable
The parameter of the IRT model.
data: tensorflow.Tensor
A tensor contains the selected dataset index, and performance measure of each experiment.
extra_args: tuple
A tuple contains extra parameters of the IRT model.
(irt type, logit_delta, delta, log_a, log_2)
L: tensorflow.Tensor
The negative log-likelihood.
tested_list = tf.cast(data[:, 0], 'int32')
measure = tf.cast(data[:, 1], 'float32')
irt_type, logit_delta, delta, log_a, log_s2 = extra_args
logit_delta = tf.cast(logit_delta, 'float32')
delta = tf.cast(delta, 'float32')
log_a = tf.cast(log_a, 'float32')
log_s2 = tf.cast(log_s2, 'float32')
if irt_type == 'beta3':
L = ml_beta_3_obj(parameter, logit_delta, log_a, measure, tested_list)
elif irt_type == 'logistic':
L = ml_logistic_obj(parameter, delta, log_a, log_s2, measure, tested_list)
return L
[docs]def get_obj_g(parameter, data, extra_args):
Wrapper function to get the gradient of the objective function.
parameter: tensorflow.Variable
The parameter of the IRT model.
data: tensorflow.Tensor
A tensor contains the selected dataset index, and performance measure of each experiment.
extra_args: tuple
A tuple contains extra parameters of the IRT model.
(irt type, logit_delta, delta, log_a, log_2)
L: tensorflow.Tensor
The negative log-likelihood.
g: tensorflow.Tensor
The gradient of the parameters.
with tf.GradientTape() as gt:
L = get_obj(parameter, data, extra_args)
g = gt.gradient(L, parameter)
return L, g